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Calendar: 2025 Red Eagle Reunion Update Two

4477th Red Eagles Alumni Association The Ultimate in Air Combat Training Museum  Donation
  Red Eagles and Guests -- 16 January 2025 This is Reunion Update Two, the official registration document for the Red Eagle Reunion to be held the first weekend of April, 2025. You have TWO registering things you need to do:   Register for a hotel room and register for the reunion (page three of this letter) - this epistle is somewhat long; BUT it provides you the important stuff – PLEASE READ all of it – then, read it again!  OVERVIEW – Our reunion will be held at the ‘D’ Resort/Hotel on Fremont Street in downtown Las Vegas. It will start on Thursday evening, 3 April 2025. No events are scheduled for that evening; however, the hospitality suite will be open and be available during reasonable hours until Sunday morning. Friday, 4 April will consist of events at Nellis. We will incorporate some Red Flag 50th Anniversary events along with the ‘for the military’ version of the Aviation Nation Airshow. Red Eagle transportation will be provided to and from Nellis. It will depart at 8:45 am and return at the conclusion of the airshow (4:30ish??)). We will also coordinate travel to accommodate the on-base activities. Saturday, 5 April, is mostly open for your personal activities (the hotel is located in downtown Las Vegas). Two events are scheduled: the Red Eagles Alumni Association meeting (9:00 am) and the reunion banquet in the evening (6:00) with live music. No speaker is planned. Coat/tie not required – slacks and polo shirt are fine for the men and the ladies never need to be told! Sunday, 6 April is checkout – nothing scheduled. 1. HOTEL: A.  The D Las Vegas B. Hotel Reservation and hotel check-in are separate from Reunion Reservation and reunion check-in. Call the Reservation Center – 702-388-2274 – refer to group code DCRE25 or simply mention 4477th Red Eagles Alumni Reunion.  Expect room rates (tax and discounted resort fee are included) as follows: 2/3 Apr - $106; 4/5 Apr $199. When you arrive at the hotel, check-in at the desk. NOTE: on-line capability also is available for registration – the link can be found in our first message which is posted the calendar-info section of our website - 4477reaa.com. However, FYI some folks encountered problems using the link. 2. REUNION: A. Check-in: For reunion check-in, go to the Hospitality Suite (Room number TBD and posted at the reservation desk).  It opens on Thursday at 4:00 pm, Friday at 7:30 am, and Saturday at 8:00 am. B. Reunion Registration:  SEE PAGE THREE for Registration Form and ‘How to’ information C. Cost:  Reunion registration is $125.  Registration entitles you to the Saturday night Reunion Banquet (including music) and 2 ½ days’ worth of the hospitality suite (and all it has to offer!).  If you choose not to participate in one of the offerings, registration is still $125.  Note: If you are a dues current Member of the Red Eagle Alumni Association, your cost is $110 (Member only – guest(s) pay regular fee).  All other costs are ala carte – see the registration form. D. Agenda: 1. Thursday, 3 Apr:  Hospitality Suite opens late afternoon – that’s it for Thursday! 2. Friday, 4 Apr: a. 7:30 am - Hospitality Suite opens at for registration. b. 8:45 am - Bus departs for Nellis. If you want to use the bus, please indicate so on the registration form – we need to determine the size of bus that will be required.  Round trip bus cost will be $30/person (personal transportation is ok). Include bus fare when you register/sign-up for the reunion (attached form) – upon reunion check-in, you’ll receive a pass for the bus. c. Bus transportation will return to hotel following the airshow (4:30ish??). d. No activities scheduled for Friday evening – hospitality suite will be open. 3. Saturday, 5 Apr: a. Hospitality Suite opens at 8:00 am. b. 9:00 am – REAA Business Meeting/Election of three Board Members – Hospitality Suite. Looking for volunteers to run for office – if interested, Scotty will gladly place your name on the ballot – his email is: mikebonscott@gmail.com . Board members whose terms are expiring are: Neena Wright, Ike Crawley, and John Mann. c. 6:00 pm – Social Hour – at the D - Detroit Ballroom/Traverse City Patio d. 7:00 pm - Red Eagle Reunion Banquet at the D – Detroit Ballroom.   Dress: Men - slacks and sport/dress shirt (Red Eagle golf shirts are ok!) Ladies – you all will figure it out!  Note: we will order Red Eagle golf polo shirts to sell at the reunion – color choices are red or black – if you would like to get one (or more), indicate size and color on the registration form – we’ll order you a shirt for you to pick up at the reunion – cost is $50 per shirt, payable when you receive your shirt. Before and during dinner, we will be entertained by Tommy P. e. Hospitality Suite closes whenever 4. Sunday 6 Apr:  Check out. PAGE THREE:        2025 Red Eagle Reunion Registration Form DEADLINE:  TUESDAY, 4 March – This applies to both hotel room block rates and Reunion Reservation. However, if you want a shirt, please register by 20 February to provide us enough lead time to order and receive them. Note: if you lose this:  It – along with all Red Eagle info - can be found on our website: www.4477reaa.com  Red Eagles and Guests - 18 February 2025 This is REUNION UPDATE THREE. It provides three added items to Reunion Update Two located on our website’s (4477reaa.com) calendar/info section: 1. A reminder to ‘take care of business’ if you intend to attend the reunion and haven’t registered, yet. Deadlines are: a. 20 Feb if you want to order a shirt. b. 4 Mar to take advantage of the hotel block (see update TWO on our website). c. 4 Mar to attend the Reunion – we need to know numbers for food and beverage counts; and for transportation sizing and base entry requirements if you are planning to visit Nellis on Friday 4 Apr. 2. If you intend to attend the Friday activities at Nellis: a. You can use your own private transportation or you can ride the Reunion transportation. b. In either case, you will need to provide identification. c. For those possessing a current or retired military ID (spouse ID OK) or other government-employee ID - just present it and base access will be granted without any further requirements. We anticipate this will apply to most of our folks. d. For non-retiree/non-military/non-Government-employee ID) folks – Either a Real ID or two other forms of ID are required. If you are accompanied/escorted by someone possessing a military or other government-employee ID, just present them and base access will be granted (this will be the case when using Reunion transportation). If you travel privately and do not have an escort, you will need to stop at the security office (located at the main gate off Las Vegas Blvd and Craig Road). 3. Response has been a bit slow – we chose 75 as an approximate minimum number to provide the catering people – as of this writing, we aren’t close! That’s all we have, for now – Your Reunion Committee